Turquoise Art Masterclass
Art Masterclass is the world’s most popular mosaic art studio. We are the first workshop in the Southern Africa to teach [...]
Unity in Diversity: The Importance of Interreligious Initiatives in promoting peace, love and reconciliation. (Hybrid Program)
5 February 2023 The Turquoise Harmony Institute (THI) is dedicated to promoting peace and reconciliation in South Africa through interfaith dialogue and cross-cultural activities. In [...]
A Concert for Refugees 2022
This year we intend to host the third concert, which is to be held at the Linder Auditorium on 12th August 2022, Thursday. Once again, [...]
Do you want to have iftar (fast breaking) dinner with a Muslim family?
During the month of Ramadan in the lunar calendar, Muslims fast by abstaining from consuming water or food from dawn to sunset. After the sunset, [...]
Social Cohesion for Stronger & Peaceful Communities
Touch to register now What is Social Cohesion? “Promoting social cohesion, so that diversity is seen as a benefit rather than a threat, is investing [...]
Spring hike for dialogue
Culture is everything that describes a particular group of people. The group can be a family, a religious group, or people from a different town, [...]
Woman in different faiths as change makers
Religion is frequently cited as a cause of violent conflicts, yet dialogue between faith communities often reveals that religion is not a primary source of [...]
Promoting Women Leaders in Interreligious Perspective
INTECULTURAL/INTERRELIGIOUS WOMAN’S MONTH PROJECT BACKGROUND The latest news about the spreading of violence against women has been a cause for concern among individuals and groups [...]
Women’s Month Webinar
PURPOSE The webinar will provide a platform for dialogue on issues related to women in society. BACKGROUND In one of the largest demonstrations staged in [...]
The Role of Hizmet Affiliated Institutions on Youth Empowerment in South Africa
Youth empowerment is a process where young people are encouraged to take charge of their lives. They do this by addressing their situation and then [...]
Social Cohesion in Refugee Hosting Settings
As we will celebrate World Refugee Day on 20th of June, the number of people forcibly displaced due to conflict and human rights violations has [...]
Panel Discussion: Refugees in Interfaith Perspective
Prophet Muhammad was a refugee. Jesus was a refugee. Mary, his mother was a refugee. Joseph, too. Moses was a refugee. Abraham was a refugee. [...]