Unity in Diversity: The Importance of Interreligious Initiatives in promoting peace, love and reconciliation. (Hybrid Program)
5 February 2023 The Turquoise Harmony Institute (THI) is dedicated [...]
5 February 2023 The Turquoise Harmony Institute (THI) is dedicated [...]
The Hizmet movement is a civil society movement committed to [...]
This year we intend to host the third concert, which [...]
During the month of Ramadan in the lunar calendar, Muslims [...]
Touch to register now What is Social Cohesion? “Promoting social [...]
USPP was formed in 2016 with a vision [...]
Universal Right Association (URA) operates to remove, repair [...]
The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, is a [...]
Time to Care trust’s vision is to inspire [...]
The Three2Six Refugee Children’s Education Project provides an [...]