Academic Papers
Fethullah Gülen: Inspirer of Multi-disciplinary Studies
“The work of Gülen’s followers in Turkey shows that Islam—as taught by Gülen—seeks tolerance, not conflict; it aims for a better society, not political [...]
The Contribution of Interfaith Dialogue to Peace Building
To further its pursuits of interreligious dialogue, the Gulen movement has created the Intercultural Dialogue Platform as a project of the movement’s Istanbul-based Writers [...]
Foreword to the book: Toward a Global Civilization of Love and Tolerance
I can cite my own case as an example. I am a Catholic priest, an American living in Rome. I have known the members [...]
The Gülen Movement: Its Contribution at a Time of Global Tensions
My topic for this evening is the spiritual and educational movement associated with the name of Fethullah Gülen and the contribution that the members [...]
Two Frontrunners for Peace
Of those religious thinkers of modern times who have attempted to study the concept of peace to explore what is involved in establishing and [...]
Fethullah Gülen: Following in the Footsteps of Rumi
One of the modern Muslims who have appropriated Rumi’s attitudes and integrated them into their own understanding of Islamic faith and practice is the [...]
Statement: Passing on of Fethullah Gulen
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. With heavy hearts and humble acceptance of Allah's will, we announce the departure of the beloved [...]
Cross-cultural Dialogue on the Virtues: The Contribution of Fethullah Gulen
by Trudy Conway Conway’s book explores the origins, history, development, and modern manifestations of the Hizmet movement, inspired originally by the Turkish scholar Fethullah [...]
Countering Violent Extremism-Hizmet and Media
Countering Violent Extremism-Hizmet and Media: “Hizmet’s Media-Oriented Approach to De-radicalization” 2015 Winner of the Hizmet Essay Contest Ghulam Rasool Dehlvi, PhD Scholar, Centre for [...]
Transforming Altruism from Selfish into Sacrificial
Transforming Altruism from Selfish into Sacrificial: How Reciprocity with God Inspires Extraordinary Service in the Hizmet Movement 2014 Graduate Winner of the Hizmet Essay [...]
Why Hizmet, the Movement Inspired by Fethullah Gülen, Can Answer the World’s Most Compelling Problem: Religious Violence
2014 Undergraduate Winner of the Hizmet Essay Contest By Martine Astier Gaetan, B.A, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND COLLEGE PARK Background Nearly every 21-year old American [...]
Gulen Inspired Schools: Lessons that Matter
“A good lesson is one that does more than provide pupils with useful information or skills; it should elevate them into the presence of [...]