It is not by hazard that “All in Art, Art in All” was chosen as theme of our exhibition and talk, it is one of the ways we can bring around our philosophical reflection to prove the fact that humanism (naturalism) cannot be separated from peoples’ diversified cultures, spiritualties and arts, because “humanism (naturalism) is the interconnectivity between all form of culture, spirituality and art”.
Even though this theme is for the moment expressed artistically by the United African Artists, it cans also become a subject of dissertation and philosophical debates, to argue the potentiality of artists to engage in a mission to propagate the virtue of humanity, mostly in touch with divine nature to result in unity and promote communities of peace and harmony.
Why in touch with divine nature as far as artists are concerned, one might ask?
The answer to this question is simply because God created humanity and the universe through a divine art and invested his image of creativeness within humankinds, so that they can transform life and bring joy within the lives of many types of people and societies.
From this perspective or point of view, our choice of the theme is to remind every human that they were created in the image of God, and invested by the divine nature of creativeness (artistry) to contribute in the transformation of human society. Therefore everyone is an artist in whatever he/she might handle to transform life in any aspect the society. That is why as members of the United African Artists, “We believe in artistry to transform life” and we are pursuing our humanistic (naturalistic) mission in touch with divine nature to result in unity and promote communities of peace and harmony, where people should be carrying about one another, on relating to the African saying which is expressed in Zulu as, “Umuntu Ngimuntu Ngabantu”, meaning, “A person is a person because of people”.