
Who is Fethullah Gülen?

Who is Fethullah Gülen?

Who is Fethullah Gülen?

There is a natural order of peace and harmony between creation and the universe. Every living organism helps to keep this delicate balance of harmony in place. However, at times, human beings intervene and upset this balance of natural harmony. We pollute the word with our anger; jealousy; envy; animosity; hatred; prejudice;  with our egos and many other contemptuous feelings; with an excuse of living a better life; political domination; guarding our cultural nationalism or being religiously exclusive.

In order to maintain a balanced order; to keep peace and harmony, it is important for us to know each other. Knowing and learning about one another is the first step in the road to attaining love and peace. A practise all peace keepers need to undertake. This is the core fundamental teachings of Fethullah Gulen, named as one of TIME Magazines “100 Most Influential People” in 2013. It is from these teachings that the Turquoise Harmony Institute inspires its endeavours, to contribute to meaningful, inclusive, peaceful and sustainable coexistence among all global communities.

For Fethullah Gulen; love is the essence of creation. In a world which is over polluted by evil; if there is something that is left untouched and clean – that is love; if there is a beauty that has preserved its magnificence without fading – that is also love. We believe in the concept of immaculate love which is deeply embedded in the essence of humanity; and because of this, the Turquoise Harmony Institute was founded and established around these essential features of knowing and loving.