
Cross-cultural Dialogue on the Virtues: The Contribution of Fethullah Gulen

by Trudy Conway Conway’s book explores the origins, history, development, and modern manifestations of the Hizmet movement, inspired originally by the Turkish scholar Fethullah Gulen. It provides a detailed analysis of Gulen’s account of the virtues, asserting that tolerance, hospitality, compassion and charity serve as the basis for the [...]

Countering Violent Extremism-Hizmet and Media

Countering Violent Extremism-Hizmet and Media: “Hizmet’s Media-Oriented Approach to De-radicalization” 2015 Winner of the Hizmet Essay Contest Ghulam Rasool Dehlvi, PhD Scholar, Centre for Culture, Media & Governance, Jamia Millia Islamia, Central University, New Delhi, India Abstract: At a time when the extremist indoctrination, jihadist recruitment and radicalization of [...]

Transforming Altruism from Selfish into Sacrificial

Transforming Altruism from Selfish into Sacrificial: How Reciprocity with God Inspires Extraordinary Service in the Hizmet Movement 2014 Graduate Winner of the Hizmet Essay Contest Mary Elizabeth Cole, M.A, THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY In the Mindanao region in the Philippines, Turkish schoolteachers unify classes of Christians and Moro Muslims [...]

Gulen Inspired Schools: Lessons that Matter

“A good lesson is one that does more than provide pupils with useful information or skills; it should elevate them into the presence of the unknown” – Fethullah Gulen, Sizinti – March 1981 Up until this point, my life has been pressed within a world that struggles to unite people [...]

You Couldn’t Meet a Nicer Bunch of People

Dan Berrett For more than a decade, one of the world’s most influential and controversial Muslim leaders has been convalescing on 26 acres in the Pocono Mountains. In Ross Township — not far from the Blue Ridge flea market, a giant corn maze dubbed Mazezilla and a go-kart speedway [...]

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